Reply To: Letter from Rabbonim that Schools Must Accept Non-Vaccinated Children

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The study was NOT funded by the pharmecutical industry or government you claimed that was what you sought. Now you say ANY study in any journal is automaticly suspect. Are you listening to yourself?

Also why would the Lancet publish Wakefield (who you did trust on the other thread, though he did have a financial stake…) if it was anti vaccine? Why are dozens and dozens of articles publsihed showing that some therapies are not effective?

Why does the governement invest so much against cigarettes?

2. How do you connect a pesticide company to pharmaceuticals?

6. A heart blockage can be cured by diet? in how long?

7. No you have not. I’m actually still not sure as to your view. Do Drs reccmend diet or not?

9. Evidence that there are confounding variables. For example “everybody” knows that as soon as you get a carwash a bird makes a mess on your car. Dozens of friends swore this happned to them, Ive seen it happen. Do you think recently washed cars have a higher rate of attracting birds? (beleive it or not it has been studied, though not as vigorously as vaccines)

10. They are taking money from vulnerable people with no evidence that it works. Highly suspect in my book