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I work a full time job, and have a seasonal part time job. My wife works part time, as a virtual secretary for a doctor in the U.S. Yes, I make less than I did in the states, but our expenses are less as well. Our tuition was less (before the youngest graduated ulpana), our health insurance is less, our shule dues are less. A year in midrasha for an Israeli girl is certainly less money than a year in sem for an American girl.

Jobs are a matter of adjustment. Yes, you make less here, but the expenses are less – unless you have to buy each kid an apartment when s/he gets married, but that’s not my world. We manage.

As far as schools, yes, we had all three girls in a local ulpana. They received tutoring hours as olim, and I believe the two oldest were granted leniencies on their bagruyot because they came when they were 15 & 14 years old. I think the youngest also had some leniencies, but not as many as her sisters.