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about Chicago- T.I. or Anne M Blitzstein Teacher’s Institute.

While there are some girls that go there instead of seminary. most girls attend after returning from Israel. (if you want college credits in an E”Y seminary check out their IEP program- you can get 30 credits for one year)

All students are required to take 60 credits in Judaic studies (get a degree in this and you can get a second major in a variety of other areas ie, education, special ed, business, accountinf, nursing, sciences and some others) this is really more of a college type program then a seminary.

The teachers there are excellent esp those that teach limudei kodesh. However they are more of intellectual classes then hashkafa- though the teachers do have good hashkafa- they just dont teach it as its more of college type classes.

They are very warm and caring and have dorm facilities on campus. There is also a large mix of girls from different backgrounds.