Reply To: Finding the Right Seminary

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Less academic does not mean that they do not learn. You have to ask about the sem individually. There are some sems that people consider to be less academic and that is because they sit much longer in class and get less homework and papers. Some seminaries like BJJ or Hadar tell the girls to learn the entire sefer shoftim on their own with several meforshim in a week. Ok, if I wanted to do that I would stay in America and do that. Some seminaries say you are here to learn from the teachers rather than on your own, so you have really long hours of classes, but once you are done with those, the homework is less. You still have papers and assignments, tests and quizzes to study for, preparation homework ect. You can still learn a lot without being in an “academic sem”. Some girls like the intense cramming feeling every week with memorizing a sefer in tanach on their own. Some girls dont. It doesnt say anything bad about a girl for being in either category, some learn better under pressure and some dont. I personally would rather sit and absorb from brilliant teachers because otherwise, why am I there? so someone could assign a sefer for me to learn on my own?

OK, now the job is to find out which sem falls where. Also, when asking about shidduchim dont cut a girl off the list because her sem isnt the most “academic”. it could be one that they learn tons, but in class instead of on their own.