Reply To: Zionism, Why the Big Debate?

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Avi K

When Rav Tzvi Yehuda (Kook) was told about the Satanist claim he responded that he was acquainted with the Satan. In any case, to say that the Satan acts without Hashem’s permission and even against His will is a tenet of another religion. Of course, it could be that Hashem wanted to confuse the Satan so he sent him to harden the Arabs’ hearts. Who knows? Maybe He sent the Satan to prevent frum Jews from coming in droves and turning Israel into a Tora state because we are not ready.

As for the machloket between the Aguda and Mizrahi, I heard that both Rav Soloveichiik and Rav Kook compared them to Yosef’s stick and Yehuda’s stick – which will eventually be united. In fact, we see that the National Religious are becoming more frm and yeshivish and the Chareidim are moving out into the general job market.