Reply To: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her Reply To: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her


you are over on the sin of the spies.

Oh, then let me correct.

It is very safe for Jews to travel, visit or even live in any part of Eretz Yisroel, including the parts of Eretz Yisroel in Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, Ramallah, Nazareth, Bethleham, etc.

In order to not be over the sin of the spies Avi K and I highly encourage all Jews to visit, make an overnight trip and even move to these areas of Eretz Yisroel.

And let no one dare insinuate that New York, London, Melbourne or Toronto are safer for Jews than Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Sderot, Maale Adumim, Gaza, Ramallah, Nazareth, Bethleham, Lebanon or Jordan.