Reply To: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her Reply To: My daughter is in Sem in Israel and I'm scared for her


Charlie, Take out of the stats gang on gang violence, drug dealers killing each other in the slums, public school violence and other such statistics that rarely affect Jews living in the U.S., and instead compare the crime rate in Boro Park or Williamsburg or Teaneck or Monsey or Melbourne or London or Toronto to the rate of homicide and terrorism experienced by Jews in Tel Aviv, Sderot, Jerusalem and Maale Adumim and then tell me where Jews are more likely to be victims.

Syag, it is the other way. It is inevitably Zionists who bring up the topic that Israel is allegedly safer for Jews than New York or Toronto. As you see in this very thread it was Charlie and Avi that initiated the comparison between Israel and chutz. Then when it is pointed out that it is the other way they start wining over the sin of spies. Is it over the sin of spies to note that Toronto is safer for Jews than Southern Lebanon (which is part of Eretz Yisroel) or that Melbourne is safer for Jews than Jordan or that New York is safer for Jews than Ramallah, Eretz Yisroel or that Los Angeles is safer for Jews than Tel Aviv?

Where do Jews experience more war and terror?