Reply To: Har HaBayis Revisited

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A quick clarification on a point which is consistently being glossed over by the advocates of ascending HHB:

Nobody is suggesting that the sole reason Arabs attack us is due to Jewish provocations. That is quite obviously just not true. However, it should be equally obvious that Jewish provocations will lead to an increase in Arab attacks.

So all these stories of unprovoked Arab attacks do not disprove that more Jewish provocations will bring about still more Arab violence, and increase the danger to Jewish safety and Jewish lives.

But really, I think bja613 made a point worth reiterating: Why WOULD somebody go up on HHB? Even if one would not be dissuaded by the overwhelming majority of the Gedolei HaPoskim that this is an issur kurrais, and even if one somehow does not think that Jewish provocations will lead to an increase in Arab attacks against us; what exactly is this person gaining?

Is it really worth all those risks for no discernible reward?