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Lol joseph

Your knowledge of history is almost as bad as halacha

Chanuka Gelt in its present form is at most a few hundred years old. Some Achronim (I beleive Magen Avrohom) do mention a minhag of giving money to teachers and from there it evolved to giving money to kids and from there to gifts.

After all Shava kesef kekesef

“Yes, millenia.”


” I didn’t say chocolate is okay. I was clerring it might not be as bad as another christmas present.”


See Emes leyaakov 670: footnote 583 where he says this explicitly


“Do you say that about anything you don’t agree with? “

Nope only things that are silly. And saying a basic expression of human festivities like gift giving is assur because it has a “shemetz of avado zara” is silly Goyim smile to each other on Christmas, they sing songs, they have parties/get-togethers are these assur on Chanuka? (as you know even if they copy us once it is part of an avodo zara it might become assur).

“There are poskim on either side”

That says chanuka gifts are chukas akum?????? I’m sorry Ive never seen any saying it is. (I have seen several saying it is not) source?


“That means they are giving ‘Chanukah Gelt’ as a Xmas present not the other way around. “

I dont follow. Christmas is among the busieset time of year for chocolate companies (the busiest according to some stats). From there it spread to Chaunuka. I assure you Rashi didnt give his kids chocolate coins

“”Chanukah Gelt” dates back before “J” was born.”

Nope it is a few hundred years old first mentioned by late achronim.

“Besides Who ever said Xmas chocolate was OK?”

Joseph did!

“‘How long something is done’ does not make it a good/kosher minhag. It’s the origin, Who started it and Why that matter.”

Lol! of course it does In fact in a hundred years or so our descendents will continue our argument, though yours will insist on hoyiche inyanim involved int eh “millenia old” minhag of giving davka presents based on all sorts of gematriyos while my descendet will respond actually gifts as minhag is only a few hundred years old and before that it was money and before that it was money to poor/melamdim