Reply To: Shalom Rubashkin, a wake up call to us

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lashontov – i like the periscope mashal. very accurate.

samshtark – it is not the freier’s fault necessarily – in fact, most of them (according to my rav and many of my teachers) are tinokos shenishbe’u and not responsible for their actions. that of course doesn’t refer to actual apikorsim, but even that is not easily defined by laypeople.

WE, you and me (well i can’t speak for you, but for myself), are the ones at fault, b/c WE know what is right and fall for the wrong sometimes anyway, and WE need to up our ante, not they, theirs.

when the top level is higher, automatically, the bottom rises with it.

may Hashem bring the geulah shelaima bekarov!