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Home Forums Shidduchim The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative Reply To: The NASI Project – an updated assesement of this shidduch initiative


Of course Chasidim have their own problems with Shidduchim, it’s compared to Krias yam suf for a reason. Virtually no one has it easy.

But the problems with Chasidim are definitely not on such a large scale.

Basically, the not “perfect” or (a much smaller percentage) working boys have a very hard time and some stay single into their late twenties or so. And similar to the litvish older girls, older boys especially if their ruchnios is low are considered “damaged goods”. And not being married for a not so solid boy definitely hinders his ruchnios, so it’s a vicious cycle.

And yes “pickiness” is always blamed when one doesn’t find a shidduch, no matter who does the picking.

And there are never enough Shadchanim…