Reply To: Moetzes Denounces Open Orthodoxy

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“Denouncing other people is not a way to create Achdus”

1) If you were to actually read the letter from the Agudah, you would note that it does not denounce any individual. It denounces a movement.

2) Your refrain is typical of those who do not have a legitimate response. You do not look away from those actively corrupting yiddishkeit because you are worried about achdus. An ihr hanidachas was destroyed. It does not say in the Torah to be worried about achdus in such instances.

3) This phony movement has lauded gay marriage and is on the verge of saying intermarried couples should be embraced, specifically because they are intermarried because of “achdus”. Welcome to a corrupt line of thinking.

“It was a statement, but not a Kol Koreh in the same meaning as an Agugah Kol Koreh.”

The extra bit of condescending attitude toward an individual is NOT a part of our tafkid and invalidates the rest of your message. I am doing you a favor and taking away the distraction

2) What exactly do you imagine is the difference between a statement and a Kol Korei? They mean, and are, exactly the same thing.