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good luck in your quest.

howevet that is NOT what you said at first. And is NOT what you said when challenged initally:

From the OP “how do you treat a patient from a 1 car accident? “

Note: as opposed to a 2 car accident, and you imply this is currently the standard. You were clearly not asking what should the new protocol be according to my chidush that I have no data for

“It’s a question to refresh people’s memories – how do you treat a patient from a 1 car accident?”

Same implication but stronger. how cna you refresh memoried about your own chidush that you havent shared yet?

“But you’re wrong. It is different than a multi-car crash!”

you meant you believe it should be treated different

“Ah, but there is a difference! Nothing to do with a MCI. This was the purpose of this thread.

Go research it & then come back and let us know what you found out.”

again how can he research a chidush that only exists in your head?

“Look there is a difference in the assessment between a 1 car accident and a multi- car crash. And I thought you were getting close. Go research it!”


“There is a difference. I’m not Mechuav to teach you medicine. I was nice enough to get you started. If you show me that you’re trying, I’ll help you out. Even if I don’t get any money from you!”


“That’s not what I want. Look there is a difference in the assessment between a 1 car accident and a multi- car crash. How do you assess a pt. who’s a victim with no other cars around?”

“In any car crash, even though there’s the possibility of a medical cause, it’s Not probable! But in 1 car crash, it has to be treated as a medical call, along with trauma.”

No mention that this is your own chiddush

“The point I was making is that you evaluate for both medical & trauma at the same time. This is only for a single car accident”

Strongly Implying that with a multiple car accident you dont need to evaluate for medical and trauma(you said I was lying when I pointed this out)

“But let’s say the pt. is unconscious, in a single car situation – you’d follow the AMS protocol, but not with a multi-car crash!”

Same strong implication as above (actually I dont think this is an implication in this quote you outright said it)

“Look I have an EMS book that states -“Trauma – Are there medical causes? (e.g. diabetes, CVA, MI, etc.)””

That wasnt the discussion

Finnaly after a lot of back and forth (in reply to “” is this [ie distinguishing between number of cars] your own chiddush?:)

“My own.” ie you made it up

Then you changed your mind

here “I didn’t make this up”

and bizarrely asserted what you said you made up as fact

“”the idea that a medical cause is more likely when one car is involved,” – This is true.”

and ended with

“I’m not trying to change the protocol that EMS shouldn’t seek for medical causes at every trauma, but I’m trying to find a solution that can be feasible! The reality is that they don’t seek for medical causes at every trauma.”

that is NOt what you opened with at all!