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“”a glaring factual error or a illogical argument”?!?”

Your entire post! From the get go. You started with a given that there was a difference between different crashes that we should all research

(note I didnt comment yet, since there was nothing illogical yet)

you then said “In any car crash, even though there’s the possibility of a medical cause, it’s Not probable!But in 1 car crash, it has to be treated as a medical call, along with trauma.”

This is when I first commented.

This is both factually incorrect and illogical.

You subsequently addmited to the factually incorrect part in that it isnt actually any protocol but rather your suggestion (though at the time you did not indicate this at all).

since then pretty much every stamentyouve made in this thread was either factually incorrect, illogical or both!

Including your last post! “Of course I had it in my mind before I started this topic. But I never figured s/o would grill me on it!”

Is this logical to you? you make a statement, bully people who ask for response and you havent even researched it yourself in other words you werent sure it was correct?