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🍫Syag Lchochma

newbee – Why do you keep saying criminal? suffering for sins in a past life does not have to mean murder or theft, sins can be sleeping thru shacharis, reading romance novels, telling dirty jokes. We are talking about spiritual perfection here. and if you are striving to perfect your soul and be closer to Hashem and you understand (on a simple level possible to man) what the rewards and punishments for that devaikus are, you would probably JUMP at the chance to be born without arms if you knew that it was your ONLY guarantee at a tikkun.

An autistic person can also be a neshama who has perfected most things and was given a privilege to come to this world free of obligations so that his chances of re-sinning are slight. Hahsem doesn’t just say, “You were bad! I’m gonna teach you a lesson and give you a rotten life!” – Hashem loves us and wants us to perfect ourselves. Hashem knows us as the neshamos that we are, from beginning to end.

If He believes that suffering can cleanse us here instead of after death, we should be thrilled at the prospect.

If He believes that suffering in certain areas is the only way to grow us into perfection, we should be thrilled at the prospect.

And if He believes that living a life that appears to our simple minds as suffering but is really a way to send us back to the Kisei HaKavod more complete, than we should be thrilled at the prospect.

The bottom line, though, is that Toi is 100% correct.