Reply To: Ami's article on gilgulim

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Golfer and Haleivi – I am trying to say that Moshe could not have known about gilgul because he would not have had an issue with sechar vonesh (it seems like an injust world when tzaddikim are punished and the wicked proper, etc.)and would never have posed his question.If every chaim yankel today knows about gilgul as a true belief, and so easily understands why bad things happen to good people, for instance children L”A dying young, obviously Moshe knew about it. The fact that Moshe still was so bothered by the question tells us that he was unaware of gilguland Hashem did not answer him, so he still did not know about gilgul.

For there to be a mesorah, it must come from MOSHE at Sinai. It can not come later on. Impossible. Mesorah means from Sinai. So, if at least according to one opinion of that gemara, Moshe was apparently unaware of the secret of gilgul and Hashem did not provide him with that answer, where on earth did that belief come into our mesorah?

Nistar might be “hidden” from most of us but it still must have come down to MOshe at Sinai. If it did not, then it is not true nistar.

YYTZ – I will esearch that as offhand I do not recall, but I do believe there were quite a few.