Reply To: Yeshiva Tuitions

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I have said this before, and I will say it again. Frum Jews have to recognize that their financial model is seriously flawed. Yeshiva education should be replaced by “free” public education, which is paid for by all taxpayers – including frum Jews who do not take advantage of what they are paying for. Jewish education should be conducted separately from secular education. That would radically cut costs. Part of the problem is that yeshivas support big portions of the frum rabbinate and frum educators, and a reduction in total Jewish education spending would hurt those currently engaged in the yeshiva business. Those people are undoubtedly a vocal opponent of frum use of public education.

I recognize that there are good reasons why a separate yeshiva education – including secular and Jewish education under one roof – is better, but poverty has its drawbacks also, and if frum Jews are to flourish, a better financial model is advisable.