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Jobless, a person’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. Think of all the kollel couples and the men that go back for night seder every night and for late maariv. That is their job and it is hard on those couples as well but they make it work for them. So try to make it work with some form of hobby or chessed work. Anything that would make you feel good about yourself.

If you live in a new place and have not made friends yet, go to shiurim or a book club or somethng like that where you can meet new friends. Or use the time to keep in touch with your old friends, exchange photos, arrange your photo albums, get the humdrum stuff out of the way so you can spend quality time with him when he is at home.

Competition in the work place is fierce so there is no such thing as “does he really have to”, if he doesn’t someone else will and if they feel he is not pulling his own weight or someone else is doing a better job than he is then they will realize he is dispensable. Wouldn’t you rather see him gain footing and you NOT have to work part-time just raise your own family without relying on outsiders?

Sit down and have an honest conversation with him. Discuss how you can support him in what he needs to do and how he can support you in your feelings and in your needs. Make the time you do have together special and important to both of you. Don’t waste it feeling resentful and hurt.