Reply To: Naming A Child After Someone With Weird Name

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Joe, well the trend in names change, so that would all depend on how many girls in her class have the name and what is popular in her circles. In my circles the name “Mushka” wouldn’t fly but half the Lubavitch population at this point have the name Mushka and they are proud to carry it. Yoeli’s are very proud to carry that name but that wouldn’t fly in the Lubav circle’s, I didn’t particularly care for my own name when I was a kid but I grew into it as an adult. My daughter hated the way I spelled her name and swore she would change the spelling when she turned 18, but at 18 she liked being unique. So whether an adult likes the name or not, a child who was given a name at birth knows only that name and has no reason not to like it unless the parent puts the name down.

There are plenty of Yentie’s and Yita’s and Henchi’s and Lipa’s and any number of names our “modernized” young people don’t particularly care about. And when I say modernized I don’t mean MO, I mean Americanized who would rather call their Rivka’s Riki, and their Liba’s Libby and so forth. So you can’t know in advance what your child would like her name to be or if they will or won’t like their name. And of course there is no guarantee that the name you like and choose that has no connection to family anyway is a name they will like regardless of whether you like it or not. Kids are kids and they can always be mad that you didn’t choose their best friend’s name that they think is prettier and way cooler than their own. So you can’t win no matter what you do.