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This is my first election and I have no idea who on earth I’m going to vote for. I like neither Hillary nor Bernie on the Dems side (Hillary for the obvious reasons, though I don’t consider either her or Obama to be the root of all evil, and Bernie because socialism may or may not work in Sweden but it won’t work here for sure). On the Republican side, I just need someone I can vote for against Trump in the primaries. I’m inclining toward the “regression to the mean” types like Jeb, just because I don’t want to make a decision, except that the odds that he’ll still be in the race by the NY primaries is abysmal. Barring that? Idunno, Kasich, Rubio, who knows. I’m not a flaming fiery type person, and I don’t think that’s what the country needs. People protest against insiders, but it’s insiders who keep the country going and know how to get things done with the least possible mess.