Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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This is so nice!!! Thanks R’ (J)Yoseph! It is so true.. I can not begin to tell you how many times I have had people tell me they are who they are because of someone out there that has no clue they shook the world!

One friend told me at their chasuna that they are at the chuppah and about to start a life B’derech Hatorah because of my mother. When I asked my mother, she was clueless! She said she remembers maybe one or two tiny incidents that may have left an impression! But we never know who is watching!!!

Imagine you are walking in a store or an office and you realize there is a camera videoing you. If you are a girl you may fix your hear and stand up straight, if you are a man or bachur you may try to look cool or shticky with the swagger of your walk and flashing your shtady phone… but think about it… are you only making an impression when you know you are being watched? Ayin Roah…. HkbH is always videoing us even when someone else isn’t and we should be careful to be seen as we would want to be seen at all times even when we dont know we are being watched!

In shul, you are davening and a chashuva Gadol walks in and is looking at you- nu? I bet I know how hard you’re gonna shuckel! Well, are you going to have so much kavana when he isn’t there. The Aibeshter is watching and even someone else whose life you might change for Dorei Doiros!

Hehe, sorry I wasnt trying to make my own Dvar Tora, just giving my feedback and Reb Yossel’s beautiful piece.