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Bais Yaakov maydel

just one more shtickl dvar Torah… (this is great the CR gives me a chance to use all my yiddish phrases!)

has to do a little with parshas vaYigash…

here goes

“Shivim Nefesh”–there were 70 people that went down to Mitzrayim…we all know that really, there were 69, but Yocheved was born on the threshold of Mitzrayim, right before they entered Mitzrayim, to galus.

the Maharal says that the reason Yocheved is born right before entering galus Mitzrayim, that she is one of the 70, is to show us that whenever Hashem brings galus, brings a Makkah, there is ALWAYS a refuah taht comes before it; whats the refuah?

Yocheved was the mother of Moshe Rabbeinu–who is called “moshia shel Yisrael.”

even BEFORE we entered Mitzrayim to galus as shivim nefesh, Hashem created the refuah–

“Hashem makdim refuah lamakkah”—always, even in our times.

may we be zoche to see that Refuah speedily in our days!

–this one will be iyH as a zechus for the chayalim fighting on our behalf in Eretz Yisrael…may they have hatzlacha and shmirah in all they do.