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Its just something ppl dont thinkabout is that Right and wrong is not everything. The point of the torah is to make us better ppl and if were doing the right thing and assimulating with everone its only a matter of time b4 our walls of kedusha fall.

When klal yisroel assimulated in mitzraim mestama they were like us…if were gonna live in mitzraim were gonna need this or that. Sound familar! If they can fall the einicklach of yaavov forsure we can. Distinct….unique….special….are what we are supposed to be. There is a halacha eisav soneh et yaakov. But we have a bracha that as long as we do what is yashar in the eyes of our creater we are fine. So as long as we dont assimulate with the goyim were fine. But once we try being like the other nations thats when we have to worry. Just like mitzraim! Does anyone know where the enlightenment of Judiasm to assimulate came from in the early 1900’s….from gremany. When we try to assimulate the halach of eisav soneh et yaakov goes into effect! By purim we tried to assimulate with achashveirosh by going to his party….BUT IT WAS KOSHER MORDECHIA WAS THE MASHGIACH! It was muter wink wink….When we let our gaurd down that when they get us. Mi kamcha yisroel…So we should be proud of who we are not Chas Vishalom ashamed of it.

By: My Rosh