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Slightly off-topic, but a little bit halacha:

Hilchos Krias Shema She’al Hamitah

1. If one has already said the beracha of Hamapil, one should act stringently and avoid even drinking, or doing any activity before going to sleep. {The opinion of The Mishnah Brurah is that Hamapil is a beracha on sleeping and therefore one should not make a hefsek (interruption) between the beracha and the activity of sleeping.} Shulchan Aruch w/Mishnah Brurah 239:1 MB4

2. However, Bi’dieved, if one has an urgent need to interrupt after saying Hamapil, (e.g. to attend to a crying baby) according to many poskim, one may rely on the more lenient ruling of the Chayei Odom who permits one to talk or eat after saying Hamapil {because he holds that Hamapil is a beracha of praise to Hashem and not on sleeping}. Aruch Hashulchan 239:6, Piskei Tshuvos 239:17, Minhag Yisroel Torah pg. 321

The Power of Amen Yehei Shmei Rabah. In the name of Rabbi Matisyahu Solomon, Shlita, one should recite Amen Yehei Shmei Rabba (V’chulu) with special intensity: The Gemara (Shabbos 119B) states that one who says it with all his might (Rashi-all his kavana) will have a bad gezeira against him torn up. The Sefer Chareidim (Chapter 73) writes that this is actually a segula from Chazal and is a most potent factor in the Teshuva process.

What does “all his kavana” mean? It means that one must be listening attentively to Kaddish beginning with the words Yisgadal V’Yiskadash, and understanding what the Chazzan is saying. He is praying that the Moshiach come as soon as possible (not only”bchayei d’chol bais Yisroel,” not only”ba’agola,” but also “bizman koriv”) so that Kiddush Hashem will come to the world – so that Kovod Shomayim is reinstated and that Hakodosh Boruch Hu is finally recognized by everyone as the Source of all Blessing.

To demonstrate our dedication to the principle of Kaddish, the Shulchan Aruch (Orach

Chayim 56:1) states that a person should run to hear Kaddish. We run for what we really want.

The Middah K’negid Middah is self-evident – since you fervently want Hashem’s status in the world to change from its current state of Chilul Hashem to a glorious state of Kiddush Hashem, Hashem will change any negative decree against you to a positive one.