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ALIYOS REFOEL ZEV – Divrei Torah and Mussar on the Yomim Tovim

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Purim 5769 Issue 19


The Megilah tells us (2,11) that each day Mordechai would go in front of the courtyard of the Beis Hanushim, to find out how Esther was doing, and what would be done with her. Rashi explains that Mordechai was one of the Tzadikim to whom Hashem hinted about a redemption. Mordechai said that it could not be that this Tzadekes was taken to marry Achashverosh, unless it is that through her redemption will be brought to Klal Yisroel. Therefore, Mordechai kept coming to see what was happening to Esther.

In the Posuk right before, (2.10) the Megilah tells us that Esther would not reveal her identity to anyone because Mordechai commanded her not to. Rashi explains that Mordechai hoped that Achashverosh would think she was from a despised nation and he would send her away. If it was known that she was from the family of Shaul, Achashverosh would want to hold onto her.

The question is, if Mordechai understood that the redemption is coming through Esther being in the palace, why did he want her to leave? If she would be sent away, the redemption would not be able to come through her? The answer is, that even though the salvation of Klal Yisroel was dependent upon her remaining there, Halacha dictated that he must do all that is in his power to have her leave, so that she need not marry Achasverosh. Although he received a hint from heaven, it is not enough to put aside a Halacha in Shulchan Aruch.

The principle that we learn from here is vital to know and internalize: The happenings in this world are all in the hands of Hashem, our Avodah is only to fulfill the will of Hashem. We must leave the events of life to be run by Hashem, and do our part in that which Hashem asks of us to do.

Newfound Respect

When Esther reached the palace she was shown great honor. She was chosen as Queen, and the king only showed respect for her. It was therefore apparent that Achashverosh would not harm her or her nation. Why, then, did Esther refuse to disclose her nationality, despite that fact that Achashverosh repeatedly pleaded with her to reveal it? The Gra explains that since Mordechai commanded her not to reveal her identity she refused to disclose it, even though she knew that the reason behind the command was no longer applicable.

The Gra’s explanation of this pasuk seems perplexing. If Esther knew that the reason behind Mordechai’s command was no longer applicable, why then didn’t Esther reveal her background? Furthermore, if Mordechai himself would have been able to communicate with Esther he would surely have rescinded his command? This question is strengthened in light of the following chazal which portrays the utmost respect that one must have for a king even if the king is a gentile and a rasha.

The pasuk in Shemos (10:11) tells us that Moshe and Aaron were forcibly removed from Paroh’s presence after they informed him about the maca of arba.The Da’as Zekainim explains that the reason they didn’t just leave, when they saw Paroh getting agitated, is because since initially Paroh had asked them to come to his palace, they didn’t want to leave until he gave them permission.

Let us reexamine our situation with Achashverosh and Esther. King Achashverosh repeatedly begged Esther to disclose her identity, yet Esther refused. Is this not a great lack of respect to the king? Why did Esther consistently refuse the king, if the reason for her refusal (Mordechai’s command) no longer applied? If Mordechai himself would be able to communicate with Esther wouldn’t he advise Esther to acquiesce to the kings incessant requests?

    It seems that there are two approaches to answer this question.

  1. Our gedolim are the key to our mesorah and it is imperative to adhere to and guard their every command. Esther listened to Mordechai’s command despite the fact that the reason no longer applied, as a geder (a fence) lest she weaken slightly in her adherence to the gedolim when the reason would apply. (shamati mechacham echad).

Our rebeim and gedolim are the conduits through which we can have a clearer picture as to what the proper avodas Hashem is. Let us honor them and heed their advice. A freilachen Purim.