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This is being given ??”? ?’ ??? ?”? ????? ,

The following come from the sefer Sifsei Chaim, Rinas Chaim on Shmoneh Esrei.

In Bircas HaMazon, we say ??? ??? ????????????? ?’ ??-??????? ?? ?????? ???????? ??????? ????? ???? ?????? ???????????. ???? ??? ???????? ??????????. ???????????. ???????????? ???????????. ?????? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????

This means when we ask from other people, we are embarrassed by this ???????? ?????, even in the world to come. However, when we ask, and receive from Hashem, there is no reason to be embarrassed.

R’ Eliya Lopian told the following story. Once he walked into the home of the Chafetz Chaim when the Chafetz Chaim was bentching. It was the norm for the Chafetz Chaim to say something after benching or davening, a p’shat or ha’arah on what he just prayed. This time he asked R’ Eliya what does it mean ??? ??? ????????????? … ???????? ????? ? What does it mean that we’ll be embarrassed in the next world?

The Chafetz Chaim answered the a story about himself: When I was looking for people to lend or give me money for the purpose of printing copies of the Mishna Berura I went to a few ‘gvirim’ asking for money for this purpose, and since the gvir think I is a big tzaddik, he gives me the money I request.

When we both go up to the Olam HaEmes, the rich man might see who the Chafetz Chaim is and he might tell me that I am not as great a tzaddik as he thought I was. And had he known this was my madreiga, he would never have given me the money. Thus, I will suffer a tremendous embarrassment in the next world.

Therefore we ask “???? ??? ???????? ??????????”, That we want to take exclusively from Hakadosh Baruch Hu. So that, ?????? ??????? ???? ???????? ???????? ?????, you HaKadosh Baruch Hu know who we are and where we are holding. Therefore there is no embarrassment when we receive from you. Not in this world, and not in the next world.

This also explains the words we say in Shmoneh Esrei ???? ?????? ???? ???? ?????????. When we have bitachon in Hashem and we only receive from him, then there won’t be embarrassment, since he knows exactly who we are, yet he nevertheless gives. And we know there that givings were never given under false pretenses. However, when receiving from humans, they CAN later come with claims of false pretenses, and such claims will cause major embarrassments in the world to come.