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Minutes before candle lighting here in Yerushalayim. A perfect time to share a dvar torah.
Originally our ancestors were idol worshipers (Ovdei Avoda Zara).
R’ Chatzkel (Mashgiach of Ponovich and the Mir) asks why we say this on seder night. He replies that this is mentioned because this is actually a zechus.
Our ancestors constantly strived to improve their spirituality. Unfortunately, they got it wrong. It wasn’t until Avraham Avinu can along that masses of people were able to serve Hashem properly. Nevertheless, we mention the fact that they were “Ovdei”, even though it was Avoda Zara, they were “Ovdei”, our ancestors were people who worked and toiled for their Ruchnius.
Unfortunately, continues R’ Chatzkel, the shame is that nowadays people are not “Ovdei”, they only immerse themselves in Chumras and surround themselves with gashmius.
I hope this makes sense. Kind of rushed it, and the siren has now sounded.
Good Shabbos to All