Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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Jax, well done, may the nishama have an aliya.

The following is from R’ Moshe Sternbuch’s sefer: Ta’am Vodaas (on the Hagadda)

Of all ways to deal with the son who is a rahsa, why specifically do we go after his teeth?

Teeth are used for chewing. Food that is otherwise not able to be consumed, gets chewed over and over again until the point in which it is now ready to be swallowed. This is what the ba’al hahagada is telling us. The rasha has no patience to “chew”, rather than getting his Torah slowly, properly and in ways it can be “digested” he wants a quick answer. Therefore we show him that if he treats his “food for the body” the same way he treats his “food for the nishama” then he has no use for his teeth.