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Tuesday Nights D’Var Torah – Parshas Naso

“May G-d bless you and keep you…” Hashem created everyone, and He gave us everything we have. Because Hashem commands us to take care of the Jewish needy, we should give to others less fortunate than ourselves.

There is a heartwarming story, which relates to this idea: There once was a man who was poor but was too proud to take money from anyone. One of his friends really wanted to give him some kind of tzidakah, but the man would not take it so his friend went to the store and bought a whole bunch of cans of really expensive, good quality fish for a total of $100. Then he went home and crushed each can of fish with a hammer. After he was done, he went to the mans house and told him that the cans got crushed on the way over to the store so the manager sold them really cheap and you can buy them all for $20. The man took them and thanked his friend. So, as you can see there are many ways to give charity without the receiver knowing.



There is a great story about the Brisker Rav. There was a man who went up to the Brisker Rav and asked him if he can use four glasses of milk instead of four glasses of wine for the Peseach Seder. The Brisker Rav not only gave him money to buy wine, he also gave him money to by Peseach foods. One day another man came up to the Brisker Rav and asked him why he gave the man money to buy not only wine but also other foods for Peseach when he only asked if he could use milk instead of wine. The Brisker Rav told him that when the man asked him that question he realized that he probably asked because he could not afford wine and if he could not afford wine he could not afford the other Passover foods either.

sorry it was a little long, thank you for taking the time out to read through it!