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how do they get those ships into the bottles?

print this one up so u can read it in shul, cuz matos masey is the longest reading we have all year by far!!! (50 percent bigger than naso!!!!)

This one is based on a rav shach that i saw (i didn’t actually see rav shach…..i saw a book and it said what he said). our entire existence on this lowly earth is for one purpose only to……… MAKE MONEY!!!……….[hmmm i wonder why rav shach didn’t say that???] but another important thing is [which REALLY is the purpose of our being down here] is to elevate ourseleves and to reach higher and higher and closer to the one above. I’ll get back to that later……much much later 🙂 (told u it’s a long parsha)

Rashi tells us that when a woman makes a neder and her husband nullifies (is that the right word?) it, and then she goes and breaks her vow, not knowing that there actually was no vow around anymore, and so she technically did nothing wrong cuz the vow was already “unvowed” yet she still needs hashem to forgive her for what she did. why???? if the torah gives the hubbie the power to “overule” his wife when it comes to nedarim….then what did this poor woman do wrong? when a person intends to eat pig ( a.k.a “davar acher” ….i prob. should have done that the opposite way) yet he ends up eating lamb (a.k.a. SHWARMA!!!) instead – by mistake- then he did nothing wrong, right? and so too should be true in the case of the woman (i didn’t make up the connection rabbi akiva did….i think, whilst we r on the subject of thinking, i think that “thought” should be taken out of the dictionary, and be replaced by “thonk”, just btw)and so what is rashi (and the torah) talking about when they say that the woman needs to be forgiven by hashem????

Back to our entire existence- when u have the intention to do bad (and in most cases even if u merely don’t have the intention of doing good) then regardles of which act u actually end up doing, u will in no way bring u closer to hashem by doing it. Meaning even if u ended up doing “not bad” [trying to be positive here] u still can’t be credited with getting yourself closer to hashem. when u intend to eat pig, then even if u end up eating lamb (news flash: eating really was intented solely for us to be able to get strength to serve hashem. hence eating is a way of getting closer to hashem a.k.a the purpose of our existence) u still ca’t claim in any way that u fulfilled your purpose in this world by doing that action.

And so when the woman broke her vow, since she thought that she was doing something bad, so even though it turned out that her husband saved her (as we do many times…..o.k as we INTEND to do many times) from doing an actuall sin, she still missed the entire purpose of her creation.

Rav shach is saying that when u intend to do something bad even if u ended up not doing anything wrong u still missed your whole purpose on this earth, and served as an absolute WASTE OF SPACE TIME AND ALL THE OTHER DIMENSIONS.