Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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The following is an addition to the dvar torah submitted this past Sunday Link

R’ Moshe Shternbuch in his sefer Ta’am V’daas quotes the Rabeynu Bachya. In sefer shoftim it says the following about the navi Yiftach “????? ??????, ??? ???? ???, ????, ??-??? ????”. Normally the term ??? ???? refers to a harlot. Here, however, it does not. It refers to a woman who inherited her father’s estate who went and married a man from another shevet.

R’ Shternbuch asks why the navi chooses such a title for this woman. He says this is done since she two ran after “???? ???”, choosing to forsake what the Torah instructed (albeit as an eitza tova) and chase after her heart’s desires. So even though there was no issur of erva (as there generally is with an ??? ????, nevertheless the navi chooses this title for Yiftach’s mother as well, since she too shares the common denominator of running after “???? ???”.