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With Elul right around the corner, I thought this would be a fitting Dvar Torah

R’ Chaim Shmuelovitz said the following dvar torah in Yeshivas Mir, prior to tkias shofar one year.

????, ?????, ??, ???-? ?-????

The Navi is telling everyone that teshuva needs to be complete. A person is not a ba’al teshuva if they want to remain standing in the middle. One must proceed ?? ???-? ?-????, until Hashem, otherwise one could r”l fall back into their improper ways.

The Gemarra in Sanhedrin tells us about ???, who did things which warranted the title of Rasha Nora.

However, once he did teshuva all that changed. He wrote the second half of ????? (??? ???? ????????) which, by the way is Roshei Tevos ???. When we analyze this tfilla, we see that it has no personal requests. No mention of parnassa, no mention even for chaim. All it mentions is how great Hashem is, and that his Kavod should increase in this world.

This shows us that ??? truly did teshuva ?? ???-? ?-????. For one who is able to reach the level of ?? ???-? ?-???? has no requests for his guf, and aditionally, he biews himself as nothing compared to Hashem.