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There is a famous question as to how the Rambam can learn this out the way he does. The Passuk 1st mentions house, then vineyard, and finally marriage. Why then does the Rambam learn FROM HERE that 1st comes parnassa (vineyard) then the home and finally marriage??

Many offer explanations to this issue. The Chassam Sofer says that the answer is quite simple. First the vineyard gets planted, then the house gets built, and finally marriage. However, due to mitzvos on the vineyard (Orla, etc.) the vineyard will not provide fruit befitting for consumption until 4 years after the planting.

Thus, despite the vineyard being mentioned after the house, this is due to the fact that the house was built during the period (post planting, pre-harvesting) of the vineyard. The Rambam saw this, and was thus able to use these pessukim to teach what he did.

So, lets recap. 1st the vineyard was planted, then the house was built (1st passuk) then the grapes became ready (4 years later, 2nd passuk) and finally marriage (3rd passuk).