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2 Sivan, 5770 Vol. 11, No. 28

Parashas Bamidbar

The Midrash is not dealing with a person wanting to have a conversation about some mundane topic with friend, where a private venue would seem to give the conversation some added dignity. It is talking about the Creator and Master of the entire universe, communicating His divine will and prophetic message to his chosen people. The very fact that Hashem chose to reveal himself to our nation and to speak to us through Moshe is the most amazing manifestation of respect and honor that could ever be accorded a people. Was it even possible to give us more kavod? In the midst of this overwhelming display of importance, elevating and exalting our people with the unparalleled gift of the word of G-d Himself, could we feel any more honored? How would it be possible for a nation to appreciate, understand or even sense an extra level of respect by Hashem speaking to us privately rather than in public?