Reply To: YWN Coffee Room Nightly D’Var Torah

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we learn from the reunion of yosaif and his brothers the following:A.never ostracize a brother or sister may be forgiven if you apologize but it will never be deemed correct.

C.the black sheep is often the “white”sheep in Hashem’s eyes.D.all nightmarish experiences do eventually come to an end,and sometimes the truth is revealed for all to see.E.some damages can be compensated for,but illness or death that results from the tza’ar itself is irreversible(ex.yosaif was held accountable for the part of his father’s suffering that he could have shortened.The shvotim could not go back in time,either,and UNDO all they’d done) the benefit of the doubt is no cliche!it is the only way to live.(except when kabdayhu vchashdayhu is called for:don’t be maykel on the kabdayhu and machmir on the chashdayhu!)G.the test yosaif passed with potifera shows how exalted he was.yet who was thrown into a pit with snakes and scorpions??)

the mekor for the above is “l’aniyas da’ati”