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Rab Yose would prepare a 1/3 grown ox on the Yom Tov of Shavous, and he would say if not for this day that we got the Torah, how many Yosef’s would be in the market place.

It can be asked what is the term ?? ???? used, and furthermore what is the greatness of this day , that is if there was no Giving of the Torah?

The Answer is, Chazal say in Avodah Zorah (80),come and let us show gratitude to our Forefarthers for if it were not for them, if we would have sinned and not died it would be as if we never came into the world.

It has been mentioned before that day that Moshe added according to his own understanding caused his descent to occur on the 17th of Tammuz, when there is the strength of the Arch Angel Samuel, and through this is devolved that the Satan was successful (see the first statements of Shavous 4,5)so its found that it was ??? a presumptive good for the Yidden, because we became like those just coming into the world.

Therefore, Rab Yose prepared a calf to allude to the Sin of the Golden Calf, it appears to me, its worth the ??? of Moshe adding a extra day.

Furthermore, all wisdoms of the world its impossible to attain without proofs and knowledge of a phenomena, from all aspects.

This is not so with the wisdom of the Torah and its secrets, a person doesn’t have to reach the ‘feel’ of the world, and even people who learn Torah like ‘the Workings Of the Chariot’, which you reads standing, which is ??? ?’ ???????.

It appears to me this was the greatness of Moshe Rabbenu, and because of this he added 1 day according to his understanding, because the 7th of Sivan was when Yocheved began to be pregnant with Moshe,the aspect of pregnancy is related to the aspect of thought and by this he was able to be a conduit to convey the thoughts to Israel, therefore he added 1 day according to his reasoning (his thoughts), and this was paralleled to Gods reasoning (see Shabbos 87A).

So ??”? is the reasoning and the pregnancy.

Rab Yosef who was blind, it would be impossible for him to learn the reasoning of the Torah without a phenomena,,so he could never involve himself with Torah (END).

So he said Moshe Rabbenu according to his reasoning ???? with the aspect of pregnancy, therefore he prepared a calf that was a 1/3 grown to allude to Moshe Rabbenu who was a 1/3 in the womb of his mother and conceived on the day (see Statments of Shavous 533)