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Parshas Vayalech:

The parsha discusses the mitzvah of hakel which mentions to bring children.The gemara in Chagiga brings a story about two talmidim visting R’ Yehoshua.R’ Yehoshua asked them what new thing did you learn,they didn’t want to answer,but eventually they answered that by the mitzva of hakel men come to learn ,women come to hear, and children come to give shchar to the ones who brought them.R Yehoshua then said why did you want to hid a precious gem from me.Why was this teaching so precious to R’ Yehosua?

Rebbi Yosef Chaim says you could be medyiuk from the gemara that men come to learn women come to hear,if it is talking about women who understand then they are like men who learn but if they don’t understand then the same question could be asked on them as the question of children .

However there is a Zohar(shlach)that women learn Torah in gan eden ,but how do they know how to learn if they do not do so in olam hazeh?Women hear men learning Torah so from the hearing of Torah their Neshama collects it and from their they know.

So now we can answer why this was so precious for R’ Yehoshua.In a mishna in Avos(2:8) R’Yochanan ben Zakai was giving praise on his talmidiem and by R’Yehoshua he said Praiseworthy is the one who gave birth to him.The Rav on the Mishna brings down that his mother would bring him to the bais medrash as a young infant.So up until now R’Yeshoua thought what was the point in being brought to the bais medrash at such a young age.From the reason they told him even though he didn’t understand what was being said his neshama collected what was being said,and that was the shachar halicha.(Kemotzo Shlal Rav)