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Mesheches Megillah on daf 16a Tosfos (see the Hagoas HaBach 5)says he heard that the 10,000 kikarim of kesef haman offered equals the amount of all the chatzai shekalim of the 600,000 Jews of the midbar.Now how to figure it out.How much is a one kikar? One kikar = 60 maneh.60*10,000 = 600,000.One Maneh = 25 600,000*25 = 15,000,000 ,How many Half Shekalim were there? 15,000,000*2= 30,000,000. The age of giving machatzis Hashekel is from the age of 20 to 70(years of a lifetime).600,000 people times 50 years = 30,000,000. The half shekalim which were given years before had the power to knock off the same amount of the evil haman years later.