Reply To: Any recommended Jewish novels?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading Any recommended Jewish novels? Reply To: Any recommended Jewish novels?

catch yourself

Years ago, it was pointed out to me that there is most probably not a ????? which would render it permissible to denigrate the quality of Frum literature.

I know the counterargument. I understand that people want to know how best to spend their time and money, and that this might constitute sufficient ?????. I nevertheless believe that such a question must be presented to a competent Halachic authority.

Either way, a public forum such as this is not an appropriate place for such a discussion. ????? is a ???? for those who need the information to request it, and for the consultant to divulge it. The information, however, is private. [The questioner is also not allowed to believe it implicitly – ????? ?????].


“Do you think I should read Tails of Vashti by Rabbi Greenwald?”

“Do you think I should allow my daughter to meet Ben Greenwald?”

Especially during this time (??? ??????), we should be particularly careful to distance ourselves from ???? ???, ??????, ?????? ?? ??.