Reply To: Halachos of a bar

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Reputable business is rarely conducted at a “bar” (unless you are a lawyer, and that sort of “bar” doesn’t serve food and drinks). So your question is really about going to a treff restaurant.

People vary over glass utensils. You can always ask for disposables, or bring your own, or drink directly from a can or bottle.

Most frum people accept most beer and some stronger drinks with a hecksher. If you want, feel free to ask for a specifically kosher brand. Cans of coke are probably available everywhere (they are also used for mixed drinks, as well as those who drink them straight).

Doing business at a bar probably raises serious questions of reasonable accomodation if you have any Muslim, Mormon, and conservative Protestant co-workers, all of whom don’t hold by drinking alcohol (most of our gedolim only object to alcohol in mixed, meaning with goyim, company). Asking for a soft drink projects an image of being a sober resonsible employee. Feel free to bemoan that you can’t join in getting soused (so you get a reputation for piety, but being a nice guy – they might order a Sam Adams for your next office party).

If the bar features underdressed women or other nefarious behavior, that raises other shailohs under halacha (as well as the goyim’s anti-discrimination laws).