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Who is ??? referring to?
Better. Certainly the giver.
Now go back to my previous comment.
Thanks, that makes more sense. Opens up a different question, but one that I believe is answered there in Bava Basra. If a Goy gives money that for a Jew would be Tzedaka, and a Jew accepts it, is that considered Tzedaka?
The Gemorah in Bava Basra 10b answers “yes”. Furthermore, the Gemorah there faults Jews for using money given as Tzedaka by non-Jews, and suggests that the money given should be exclusively used for non-Jewish causes.
Once again from Mechon Mamre
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We see from here that perhaps (and I’m not a Posek, so will leave it open) it is worse to accept government funds in America, thereby giving the Hamon Am (and the Government) the Zechus, vs. in Eretz Yisroel, where the Zechus goes to Jews. (Unless of course you hold it is way worse to give the Shreklecke Tamei Zionists any Zechusim……)
P.S. I’m Modeh that it is a bit shakier ground as taxes are not explicitly given as Tzedaka. I would argue that Rov people understand some of their money will go towards government programs to help the poor. Furthermore, even if not, the prior gemorah does not say that if the giver is not Jewish, they would not get a similar Zechus. I’m willing to back off that specific point if you have a strong Rayaih from a Rishon or early Achron on the topic.