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Little Froggie

I don’t want to elaborate or go into details, this site is not for advertisement (nor do I have a need to blow my cover).

The bit I’ll disclose is that I do weddings and simchos, am one person (according to most) – a OMB, and that people come out really pleased and happy.

I don’t have techno machines that rip out ear drums, my machines are just the things needed to uplift and set the people in motion (various crowds), however, I will never blare anyone’s ears out.

The second thing is that I b’Shita don’t do ANY of the modern junk, anything remotely sounding like the noise blaring from our “neighbors'” cars. And have sadly become somewhat the norm of the so-called Chasidishe olam. No, I stick strictly to our sort, and I notify clients beforehand. Clients who do hire me do so because they want that style. It’s sadly becoming a rarity, most people today don’t know what you want, what you’re talking about. Sure, everything’s “Jewish” today… Most “Chasidishe” weddings are so full of noise and garbage, it’s so embarrassing and distressing to watch Gedolim and Roshei Yeshivos dance to those filthy “rhythms”. No, I’ll use Yiddish tunes and rhythms, no need to dirty a Jewish simchah or ocassion with exercise trance techno noise.

Often, when I conclude a job, guests will commend and thank me for my dagash, my style, of sticking solely to Jewish sounding sounds. They will tell me that it really made it a Yiddishe Simcha, and truly uplifting experience. (oh, that’s why I did it)