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Avram in MD


But you must also say, “if I had a choice, I’d want to sleep in the warm bed in gan eden and learn Torah from the light of the shechina in olam haba.” So ideally, we all want to live in olam haba- in pure bliss and paradise with no problems.

From what you have written, you seem to see yemos Hamoshiach and olam haba as one in the same. I’m not sure that that is the case. I am certainly no expert in these things (nobody is, since it is all beyond us at this point, but I am really not an expert), but I personally see two different “worlds”:

1. The days of Moshiach, where we still have physical bodies, a Jewish nation, Eretz Yisroel, Torah and mitzvos. We still receive reward for mitzvos, and would be punished for aveiros. However, the world will be as full of knowledge of Hashem as waters fill the sea, and all nations would know and follow Hashem, so the prospect of committing aveiros would seem absolutely crazy to us, unlike now when there is confusion and temptation. Rather than reducing our potential for growth and merit, I see this period as a time of unlimited growth and merit.

2. Olam Haba – where it seems that we do not have physical bodies, and can thus be completely united with Hashem. Without bodies, there are no mitzvos. This seems to be the world that you are addressing.

My question to you: we believe that there will be a techias hameisim. Why would those who have passed on to olam haba want to come back to Earth?