Reply To: Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of? Reply To: Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of?

Little Froggie

Wolfish: because that’s the setting that works best for us. As stated in the Torah: ?? ??? ????. And in Navi ?? ??? ???? ???. Until Mashiach comes that’s the way we are supposed to go about coming to our Shleimus. (Rabbi Miller expounds on this greatly)

HashemisReading: Yes, because of Yidden, and of Torah. (as in tefilas haShl”a) HaShem wanted a place where His Torah could be practiced out in Gashmius form. Malachim, he’s got aplenty, they don’t have yetzros, no one intervenes as they go about doing their job. It’s us down here where HaShem so to speak places His focus, His intrest. It’s us mortal little beings, who have a mighty entity confusing our minds, who have quite an avodah choosing right from wrong, and following through. We are the reason for creation.

Sorry for waxing on the profound…