Reply To: Presidential Election 2016 news and opinions

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“Which candidate do you think is the best for the country (NOT who you think will win) from the republican side? “

Rubio. He is the only major Republican to have supported health care for the 9/11 responders, he understands that immigrants are people, and his “New American Century” is a positive vision for the future.

“From the Democratic side? “

Clinton. She is the only candidate from either party with any experience in foreign policy at all. (We have had three consecutive presidents who have had on the job training.) And her detailed issues essays show an understanding of the complexities of government that none of the other candidates show. She also has the best group of advisors of any candidate.

“Which candidate do you think WILL win the Primaries from the republican side? From the Democratic side?”

If I could predict that I would be placing large bets and not telling anyone by reasoning! 😉

“except for Sanders who would be a disaster (he is a socialist, allied in the past with the ultra-secular vehemently anti-Torah factions in Eretz Yisrael, and his policies restricting personal freedom in favor of state control of personal decision making”

Sanders barely qualifies as a socialist; the only thing he wants to have the government run is health insurance, a system that works a lot better in countries that do that than the US system does. His real ideology is welfare state capitalism, which is actually closer to the Torah ideal than either laissez-faire or real socialism. And the “anti-Torah alliance” allegation is nonsense — he can’t even remember the name or affiliation of the kibbutz he lived in! Besides, that was over 50 years ago; at the same time Clinton was campaigning for Barry Goldwater. Are you going to disqualify Ted Cruz because his father, with whom he is close, worked for Fidel Castro? And every Republican favors much more draconian restrictions in personal freedom than Sanders. Sanders also did not “honeymoon” in the Soviet Union; he traveled there on official business as Mayor of Burlington, Vermont to establish a sister city program with a city in what is now Russia. Burlington is a rather well-governed city with a 2.7% unemployment rate even though it has lost most of its industry.