Reply To: Uber vs. car service (or taxi)

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Uber vs. car service (or taxi) Reply To: Uber vs. car service (or taxi)


I *support* people saving money and that is why I am calling out Uber. It is preying on people who don’t realize that in many cases an ordinary livery cab or even green or yellow cab is less expensive because they aren’t familiar with NYC.

Well, above your example was comparing Uber Black to your local car service. That was highly misleading since most people use Uberx which is way cheaper than your local car service.

I assume when you say “in many cases,” you are again being intentionally misleading, and what you mean to say is that when surge pricing is in effect, it can be cheaper to take a cab. However, this is clearly disclosed before you order the Uber, and in fact you can instead choose to order a regular cab and pay regular cab prices through the Uber app–and can compare the wait times.

I have no issue with you disliking Uber’s business model, or that they have effectively deregulated a formerly regulated industry. But why can’t you just make your real arguments instead of misleading us?

It’s the same with every liberal argument. You don’t like Trump so you call him a bigot, but when you’re called on it, you aren’t even willing to post one post backing it up. FWIW, I haven’t been following the Trump news closely, and there’s a decent chance you’d convince me that he is.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.