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This is typical Charaidi EY. They “need” extra Shmira from the rest of the world, so they create chumras that will not allow them to have any contact with those outside.

Its the same concept with not allowing ballplaying.

I think if it doesn’t hurt anyone and WE know it is NOT TORAH M’SINAI, then it’s OK. I feel bad for them but realize this is the way they are brought up, creating new Gedarim not out of fear of Hashem, but what began as fear of having their followers leave the “Charaidi Lifestyle” to someone who may work, or perhaps a (C”V 😉 Tzioyni (Joseph’s greatest fear :-), but now seems to be the fear of not being the “most Machmir”.

I do not plan on responding to this post, as it gets too sticky. Joseph, please realize the comment was made as a joke (not as an insult) & was mentioned because to a certain extent it is true.