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To PM,

Thank you for agreeing to me that it’s mutter to wear makeup to your chasuna. We still might be in disagreement whether there is an Inyan to be machmir not to wear makeup to the chasuna or the chumra would be to wear. Remember -I said might. As Joseph so aptly quotes always makeup is for the husband; and to me- Rav wosner’s psak makes sense too -only for the people in the street and not for the husband would be Prizous. But what I found in Hilchos Aveilos is that a women can go in the street with makeup if it’s possible that she will be seen by her husband or potentional spouse. There is no requirement that this is the purpose of her leaving her house. She could have gone out for other permissble reasons and she can still wear makeup. This you see from the words of the Mechaber which I quoted befoe -“Kivon Sheh Ohmedes L’nahsay”.