Reply To: How Do You Feel the Presence of God?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee How Do You Feel the Presence of God? Reply To: How Do You Feel the Presence of God?


Avram in MD: Thanks your second post was very interesting to read.

“When I am learning Torah I get a sense of awe that what I am dealing with is not of human origin, but is in fact Divine.”

I can certainly second this 100%. This always happens when I learn Torah, it is obvious to me I am learning something holy originating from God especially when I delve in to it.

Though I never feel anything during birchas kohanim. Not once.

Regarding the too personal point you made: the posters are anonymous and there are many many threads here about relationships with family members.

I think a lack of dialog regarding the actual relationship with Hashem is strange and troublesome. How can we love Hashem with all of our heart, soul and might and never talk about this relationship. If it is purely a traditional, rational or habitual approach, how can you be mekayem that mitzvah?