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To all those claiming that ANYWAYS the size 2 girl will be a size 20 in 20 years:

A man must be attracted to the woman he marries, and not the woman she will be in 20 years from then. The reason is simple. Before you get married, you don’t actually love each other. Without being attracted physically no one would ever get married aside for a couple tzaddikim.

After one gets married, when the real love begins to grow, only then can the husband not care about looks. This is because after he has lived with such an amazing person for years, he grows more attracted to his wife’s internal features; her soul and kindness, and less caring about her looks.

That is the reason why old people aren’t getting divorced by the truckload.

Physical attraction is like a car ignition. The ignition sparks the engine to life and dies out. The engine keeps running on it’s own. Physical attraction is the spark for love. Once the love is running strong, the physical attraction can die out.